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Qualification awarded: Master of Flute

Learning outcomes:

Students completing required courses for the second level Academic Diploma in Flute will have acquired the technical and cultural competences that will allow them to express their interpretative personality. To meet this goal, students will deepen a particular instrumental repertoire (soloistic, symphonic, chamber). Upon completion of the two-year degree, students will have attained in-depth knowledge of the general stylistic, historical and aesthetic aspects related to their specific area.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples:

The Programme provides career opportunities in the following fields: soloist; ensemble musician; chamber orchestra musician;
symphony orchestra musician; operatic orchestra musician; wind orchestra musician. Graduates holding 2nd cycle degree are eligible to apply to 3rd cycle Programmes.

1 4 Ensemble music; one of the following courses 1 Specific 25 100
2 4 Ensemble music; one of the following courses 2 Specific 25 100
1 4 Laboratorio di formazione orchestrale 1 Specific 48 100
2 4 Laboratorio di formazione orchestrale 2 Specific 48 100
1 18 Performance practices and repertoires - Flute 1 Specific 36 450
2 18 Performance practices and repertoires - Flute 2 Specific 36 450
1 6 Chamber music 1 Specific 20 150
1 11 A scelta dello studente 1 Elective 275
2 7 A scelta dello studente 2 Elective 175
1 5 Lingua straniera comunitaria 1 Foreign language and Final examination 30 125
1 3 Passi esecutive e repertori - Flauto - Passi orchestrali 1 Specific 15 75
2 3 Passi esecutive e repertori - Flauto - Passi orchestrali 2 Specific 15 75
1 6 Analysis of composition forms 1 Basic 36 150
2 6 History and esthetics of music 1 Basic 36 150
2 9 Final exam 1 Foreign language and Final examination 225
2 6 one of the following courses Other 36 150
1 3 two of the following courses Related or additional 24 75
2 3 two of the following courses Related or additional 24 75

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