Diploma Supplement

The Campiani Conservatoire has been awarded the Diploma Supplement Label.

The Diploma Supplement Label is an honorary distinction awarded by the European Commission (DG Education and Culture) to higher education institutions that apply all aspects of the Diploma Supplement correctly.

The Diploma Supplement is released automatically and free of charge to all students of the Campiani Conservatoire upon graduation.

Model of Diploma Supplement - First cycle Academic Diploma (EQF lev.6):

Model of Diploma Supplement - Second cycle Academic Diploma (EQF lev.7)


ECTS grading tables:


ISCED CODE 0215 – Music and performing arts - 1st cycle - EQF 6

ECTS table of course grades

Grades 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 cum laude
% 1,5 0,3 1,2 0,6 0,9 2,7 9,4 5,3 10,0 9,1 16,8 2,9 34,7 4,7
% cumulative 100,0 98,5 98,2 97,1 96,5 95,6 92,9 83,5 78,2 68,2 59,1 42,4 39,4 4,7


ECTS table of final grades

Voti 98 99 100 105 107 110 110 cum laude
% 6,3 6,3 25,0 25,0 6,3 12,5 18,8
% cumulativa 100,0 93,8 87,5 62,5 37,5 31,3 18,8


ISCED CODE 0215 – Music and performing arts - 2st cycle - EQF 7

ECTS table of course grades

Voti 18 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 30 cum laude
% 1,8 0,4 0,4 0,7 2,9 0,7 4,7 13,0 4,7 59,4 11,2
% cumulativa 100,0 98,2 97,7 97,3 96,6 93,7 93,0 88,3 75,3 70,6 11,2


ECTS table of final grades

Voti 102 104 105 107 110 110 cum laude
% 4,8 4,8 9,5 4,8 33,3 42,9
% cumulativa 100,0 95,2 90,5 81,0 76,2 42,9


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Contact us

Conservatorio "L. Campiani"
Via della Conciliazione, 33
46100 - Mantova

+39 0376.324636


protocolloatpec[punto]conservatoriomantova[punto]com (certified email (PEC))

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