Interpretazione, intonazione, invenzione (Andreas Bär)

Interpretazione, intonazione, invenzione (Andreas Bär)


  • Lunedì, 16 Aprile 2018 10:00
  • Martedì, 17 Aprile 2018 10:00
  • Mercoledì, 18 Aprile 2018 10:00
Quota di iscrizione:
  • 30,00 € per gli effettivi
  • 10,00 € per uditori esterni

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La masterclass verrà attivata a condizione che ci sia un numero minimo di iscritti.


Incontro con il sassofonista e con le composizioni di Andreas Bär

Durante la masterclass, grazie alla supervisione del compositore, verranno studiate ed eseguite composizioni per organico di ensemble di sassofoni, canto e percussioni. L'incontro si rivolge a sassofonisti, cantanti e percussionisti ed è aperto anche ai compositori (come uditori).

Il giorno 17 è prevista una esecuzione di alcuni composizioni del maestro.

Attestato di partecipazione:

Saranno rilasciati attestati di partecipazione agli iscritti.

Curriculum vitae:

Andreas Bär is a German composer and saxophonist, who is working on serious music. His main theme is the study of the conditions in which breath and melodies could appaer in current music. Of course it is obvious that his compositions are made for wind instruments and Voice. Also some are accompanied with percussion, string and other Instruments, but they are mostly build around Voice and Winds. Specially woodwinds. So, with his Label a:bär:music, he only produces music for woodwind and voice. His Idea to be able to perform music in every location independent from settings that are given there, led him to compositions like:
Flurries, auf liebend seliger Schwinge, Arabesken, Divertimento and Melodie und Melos for solo saxophone.
Karge Lieder for low voice and wood.
Saxophone trios Terzett Nr. 1, 2, 3, 4
Saxophone quartets like Blumen, Quartett Nr. 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Woodwind quintets like Sept Morceaux Irreguliers and to 5 Stücke for low voice and woodwind quintet.
There are also works for Orchestra like Und Morgen Wird Die Sonne Wieder Scheinen, Neue Music und Abendlied.

He also made several CD`s with the Pianist Bernd Köppen who died in November 2014. Together with him he did a special kind of free improvisation. They performed in Moskau and Tschelyabinsk and around Germany and Europe, sometimes together with the Bassist Kent Carter and the Drummer Bill Elgart.

Since 1996 he worked on chamber music and he won some awards with various ensembles and styles from duo to nonett (flute, soprano sax, clarinet, bass clarinet, horn, violoncello, double bass, piano and drumset). In 2010 he finished his first compositions for Saxophon Quartett and in 2017 he started his saxophon ensemble, which is build around a trio of STB, the Blättchen Terzett (a German translation of trio d'anches). The additions are the alto saxophone, voices and drumset.



Scadenza iscrizione

Giovedì, 12 Aprile 2018


Per informazioni

Referente per le masterclass: Prof. Aldo Prandi

   +39 0376.324636



Conservatorio di musica "Lucio Campiani"
Via della Conciliazione, 33 - Mantova Tel.: 0376/324636

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